How to Really Rate a School by Cheryl Gibbs Binkley


Are the content and skills provided both wide and deep? 

Is the information provided factual, developmentally appropriate, and up-to-date? 

Is instruction clear, concise, accessible, and on a spiraling increase in complexity?

Are critical thinking skills integrated into core subjects, and enrichment subjects?

Are the values and supporting skills for personally driven learning, imagination, and empathy integrated into all subject fields? 

Does instructional design encourage and facilitate both-and thinking in addition to problem-solving?

Is the curriculum reflective of the full diversity of human knowledge? 

Is there a fully staffed and equipped library and does my child have chances to access it?

Core Instruction

Are the 4 basic subject fields (language arts, math, history, and science)  well and fully staffed?

Are class sizes small enough to provide individual attention, with both remediation and advanced studies support available to all students, not just those differently identified.

Are core teams integrated to coordinate learning? For instance language arts and history teachers can plan together, and math and science teachers can coordinate? 

Are adaptations for students with special needs physically or who are neurologically diverse readily and quickly available? 

Are learning goals written and defined by staff who are closely familiar with my child, and are those goals well integrated across all instruction? 

Rich Curriculum opportunities

Do all students have access to 

performance arts

visual arts



play time

Is transportation provided for enrichments provided outside the core school day?

High quality skilled instructional staff

Are teachers and instructional aides fully and well trained?

How many teachers have multiple degrees and dual certifications in multiple areas?

Do staff bring a range of life skills to the instructional table?(both hands on, and intellectual?) Have staff been fully trained in learning design and trained in developmental/people skills for the age levels they are teaching?

Is the staff multilingual, multicultural and of differing ethnicities.

Are background checks done on all staff that are on the grounds and in the building?

Are my child’s teachers consistently open and welcoming in outreach to parents and family?

Are Health and Wellness needs met

Is adequate time for outdoor and movement activities provided? 

Are counselors well trained, have low caseloads and have time provided for student services, rather than management services?

Can students get on-demand access to an RN or Nurse Practitioner? 

Are social workers and psychologists available beyond counselors for student and family wellness needs?

Does the school have a mediation program for student disagreements and conflicts? 

Are PE classes small enough to enable quality instruction on games, activities, and a safe and positive play environment? 

Are physical activities of the school focused on competitive or non-competitive activities?

Is my child’s day well designed

Is the day organized well with a balance of sitting, standing and moving activities? 

Are there varied study techniques and high interest activities that spark learning?

Are high quality after or before school activities available to add options for interest preferences? 

Physical plant, and grounds

Are the grounds aesthetically satisfying (beautiful)?

Have all major physical plant systems been updated/renovated on a timely basis?

Is the physical environment and plant well kept and regularly repaired with well functioning HVAC?

Is the environment healthy and safe, including air quality, free of toxic infestations and vermin?

Are the physical plant and grounds clean? 

Do all students have convenient access to clean restrooms with personal hygienic dignity?

Are classrooms and interior spaces aesthetically pleasing? 

Food and water quality

Is high quality food readily available in proximity, at multiple times of day? Breakfast, lunch, snacks and if after school activities are expected, a post school snack? 

Is the food fresh, healthy, well-prepared and appealing?

Are food services staff well-trained in health, safety, and quality preparation?

Are students taught the importance and value of preparing healthy and appealing food?

Is safe and clean water provided at will for all students, for hygiene and drinking?

Transportation quality

Are students provided high quality safe transportation to and from school? 

Is safety equipment such as seat belts provided on all vehicles?

Do the vehicles avoid passenger exposure to toxins and air pollution?

Are the vehicles well-equipped and comfortable? Such as heat, air conditioning, and comfortable seats?

Are transportation routes well designed for the minimum commute time for all students? No more than 20-30 minutes? 

Are drivers and on board staff well trained in driving, safety responses and student supervision?

Are drivers/staff provided the most effective and complete safety equipment? 

Student body

Is the student body diverse or monolithic? In ethnicities, and in economic and class status? 

Are there opportunities for my student to cross age and cross cultural lines for friendships and learning?

What are the positives and drawbacks of the school community? Are they enhanced by the schools programs and learning designs?


Are safety systems in place without making my child feel threatened or in danger?

And are security staff and general staff trained in de-escalation and mediation skills?

Are traditional safety protocols in place and well-designed? (fire, tornado, flood, or winter storm)


Does the school have adequate bandwidth and equipment?

Does the school have ample applications for students to access and make full use of current technology? 

Are staff and students acclimated to use of this technology.

Is technology integrated into instruction in ways that invigorate learning, not just for data management?

Is the technology spending higher for instructional technology than for data collection and assessment technology? 

Is the technology utilized conducive to learning or disruptive to learning? 

Are technology purchases teacher assessed for effectiveness and use/cost evaluation?

Is my access to technology and my child’s records easily managed or cumbersome? 

Is there a voice amplification system in classrooms and available in other areas where students gather in groups?


Is assessment of student levels and needs integrated into learning?

Is it low stakes? i.e., no one test or assessment overrides general on-going assessments

Is it teacher driven or management driven? 

Do assessments provide enough feedback to my child’s teacher, my child, and me to enable her/him to learn without unneeded repetition but with accurate diagnostics of his/her needs? 

How much time does standardized testing consume of the instructional calendar? 

Are my child’s records and information privacy protected? 

Do grades focus more on competitive grade points or on ongoing learning goals and reflection? 


Is the money spent on my children’s school recycled through the local community, providing a renewable resource for future community use or is it exported to outside companies requiring regeneration of funding from our local coffers? 

Are staff paid well enough that they do not need 2 or more jobs to afford life necessities? 

Do expenditures reach my child in the form of learning resources and adequate materials and equipment?

Is adequate funding provided for the school? 

School Managers

Do school managers have at least 3 years and some recent time in classroom instruction? 

Is their training in Curriculum and Instruction and Schools management, not Business Management or non-related fields.

Are school managers (principals and any boards or decision making bodies) readily accessible to me? 

Michael Flanagan