BATs State News - Special Edition

Our BAT State Admin Directors Brittany Alexander and Kathleen Jeskey Jeskey took some time this week to take a look at the responses from each of the states to the current pandemic. It started with tracking open/closed, assessments cancelled/not cancelled, etc. But as things quickly progressed some of those details became basically the same for all states. Almost all (*see edit below) states have cancelled assessments. Remote learning is looking basically the same - internet communication with packets for families that do not have access to internet. But details differ from there. Lessons range from activity suggestions to actual interactive learning through a video platform. To Zoom or not to Zoom is a big discussion right now. Other issues have not yet been completely sorted by all states - Grading? Credit? Graduation? Teacher evaluations? Pre-service educator licensing? (NO EdTPA!)

**Edit: We just learned that we were not correct in our belief that all states have cancelled statewide assessments. To our disbelief (and disgust!) we just found out that Massachusetts has legislation that has been posted to make sure that this year’s MCAS standardized test to take place in spite of the current COVID-19 pandemic. This bill is due to be heard in the Senate soon and we urge everyone in Massachusetts to contact their Senator and let them know that we should NOT be moving forward with these tests! (More information)

There are also some questions that we should be thinking about as we start to look at what is next. How can we support our students and their families once we start to realize the full trauma of this pandemic? What can we do to protect public education from the privatization that is knocking even harder at the door? What do we really want education to look like when we return? The inequities within our schools have suddenly been pushed to the forefront with a bright spotlight; what can we do to make sure that we address this as we move forward? What can we do in our communities to strengthen our social supports so that if schools do ever have to close again in the future, we have systems in place to help those most in need?

**The link to each state’s COVID-19 Department of Education information is linked in the state name. Other helpful links are embedded throughout the updates. This information is constantly changing.

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Start Date: March 26

Status: Closed for remainder of the school year

Special notes: Local Districts have a ‘menu’ of options to choose from to outline the end of the year:

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Start Date: March 20

Status: Closed through May 1

Special notes: spring 2020 administrations of the following assessments have been cancelled:

PEAKS content area assessments in Mathematics, English Language Arts, and the Alaska Science Assessment

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) alternate assessment

WIDA ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS

School day: The day in session in every school shall be at least four hours long, exclusive of intermissions, for the first, second, and third grades and five hours, exclusive of intermissions, for all other grades. The commissioner may approve a shorter day in session for any grade.

Contracted with Florida virtual schools for a year.

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Start Date: March 15

Status: Closed for remainder of the school year

Special Notes: Employee & Staff Pay - A public school shall continue to pay all its employees, including hourly employees, for the duration of the statewide closure as long as employees: (1) commit to being available during work hours and (2) are able to perform tasks remotely. If an employee is unable to work remotely, schools shall re-assign the employee other tasks they can perform.

Grading/Graduation: When deciding how to award academic credit and high school diplomas, schools should first base the decisions on the entire school year, including any educational opportunities provided during closures. School districts and charter schools determine what the educational opportunities are and how they are delivered. Examples may include independent study and online instruction.

If schools are unable to provide educational opportunities during the closure, then schools may look to the student’s progress prior to the closure.


Start date: March 19

Status: Closed through April 17

Update 4/6/20 Closed on-site for the remainder of school year.

Special Notes: cancel administration of state testing for the spring of 2020. This includes the ACT Aspire, the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM), and the K-2 assessments.

Grading/Graduation: Grading and attendance requirements have been suspended. Seniors who are on track to graduate and in good standing as of the 3rd nine weeks reporting period will be considered “as meeting the graduation requirements” for the state of Arkansas


Start Date: March 16

Current Status: Schools will not reopen this year

Special Notes: Grading and credits is a local decision to be made in consultation with teachers.


Start date: March 23rd

Current Status: Closed through April 17 but governor says schools are unlikely to reopen

Special Notes: The extended CMAS and CoAlt online ELA and Math window will not open next week as previously scheduled. • The CMAS and CoAlt Social Studies administration for spring 2020 is cancelled. • Wave 2 test materials scheduled for delivery on March 24th have been placed on hold. 

Instructional Guidance


Start date: March 15

Current status: Closed thorough April 20 but governor says it is unlikely they will reopen

Special notes: Flexibility was granted to the Student Data Privacy Act. Districts may bypass the process of crafting individual contracts for new technology solutions that fall under the data privacy statute. Instead, they can use educational technology from companies that have provided digital assurances that they comply with Connecticut’s law by signing the Connecticut Student Data Privacy Pledge. Rules for Online Read Alouds created.

Resource list


Start date: March 16

Current Status: Closed through May 15

Instructional Plan: Districts/charters must submit a remote learning plan to the DDOE by April 3, 2020. This plan should account for the completion of 1060 hours (grades K-11), 1032 hours (grade 12) and 188 teacher days no later than June 30, 2020.

Teacher days may include, but are not limited to, work such as

Instructional contact hours with students

Daily planning

Long-range planning for possible return after 5/15

Professional learning

Phone calls to students/families

Creation of videos, and other learning activities


Start date: March 23

Current Status: Closed through April 15

Special Notes: All remaining state assessments for K-12 are cancelled for the 2019-2020 school year. School districts and other educational entities are authorized to evaluate students for promotion, graduation and final course grades for the 2019-2020 school year based on guidance from the Department. Students who are in the 2019-2020 high school graduating class are exempt from being required to use assessments to earn a standard high school diploma 


Start date: March 16/17

Current Status: Closed through April 24

Special notes: Virtual Learning webinars set up to assist educators transitioning to remote learning. 


Start date: March 16 (Spring Break) and extended on March 17

Current Status: Closed through April 30

Special notes: DOE seeking waiver from state BOE to modify graduation requirements

Scheduled IEP meetings to continue via phone or video conferencing  

HSTA agreement


Start date: March 23

Current Status: Closed through April 20

Special Notes: State civics exam is a statutory requirement that cannot be waived by state BOE. State is looking at “alternate path” (as mentioned in statute) for completion of this requirement. Dual credit classes taught at HS will be granted credit IF course is moved to online. Grading to be determined at local level. Schools are expected to continue to track student attendance, engagement and mastery with decisions on how to do so made at local level.

ISAT (federal state testing) is waived for this year but the IRI Idaho Reading Indicator (Idaho’s state reading assessment) scheduled for May has not been suspended at this time.  

Teachers are still on schedule to be evaluated by a single summative evaluation but any teacher using ISAT or a local evaluation that can no longer be administered wil need to have their goals updated. 


Start date March 12: closures allowed to be determined by local districts per DOE. March 13: Governor closed all schools

Current status: Schools statewide closed through April 7. Chicago schools closed through April 20. 

Read joint agreement between the Governor, IEA, IFT, IASA, IPA, and ISBE here for details on employment, learning, and evaluation. 


Start date: March 19

Current Status: Closed through May 1

Special Notes: Days missed through May 1 will be waived. Updated guidance will come on May 4 if schools remain closed. Local districts may decide on use of eLearning. Districts, schools, and third party providers may provide childcare within a school setting. IDOE recommends targeting children of first responders, medical professionals,military service members, and workers who provide access to essential goods and services. Title I funding may be utilized in Title I school-wide schools to purchase wifi hotspots for students who need access while school is closed. Work with your federal grant specialist to amend your grant if needed. Wifi hotspots can be purchased with Title IV funds and can be budgeted under Focus Area A: Well Rounded Education as they will be used to access well-rounded academic content needed for eLearning.


Start date: March 16 

Current Status: Instructional time waiver until April 13. Governor recommends schools remain closed until then. 

Special Notes: The approach a district or nonpublic school takes will fall into one of two primary approaches: voluntary enrichment opportunities and required educational services. Districts must get approval from Iowa DOE before beginning to provide required educational services. Requirements waived for all federally mandated assessments.


Start date: March 17

Status: Closed for the remainder of the year

Special Notes: Task force created and released guidance for Continuous learning. Pay for hourly wage earners is a local decision.

Start date: March 16

Current Status: Closed through April 20

Special Notes: A spreadsheet was created to update with questions and answers as they are being addressed by the DOE.


Start date: March 16

Current Status: Closed through April 13

Special Notes: Testing data will be excused from the school report card for this year. Instructional minute requirement was waived. Local decisions for remote learning. 


Start date: March 16

Current Status: Local decision: Currently all schools closed until April 27. Some districts have announced they are closing for the remainder of the school year. 

Special Notes: Hourly wage earners must be paid. Applied for waiver to feed students during Spring Break. DOE open for online certification. Working to get flexibility in school budgeting processes


Start date: March 27th

Current Status: closed until April 24th

Special notes: No other guidance or announcements about learning or assessments found


Start date: March 17th

Current Status: closed until May 4th. No schools will be required to be open past June 30th. 

Special notes: Waivers are expanded for aspiring educators in meeting licensure requirements. Remote recommendations: 4 hour school day and a combination of educator-directed and student directed. 

Start date: March 16th

Current status: Will not reopen this year. 

Special notes: schools encouraged to offer supplemental learning opportunities. No planned instructional time. Plans must be put in place to graduate current seniors: 

1. Award credits and grades for courses taken based on coursework through March 11, 2020.

2. Provide an optional final exam or other culminating activity to test pupil understanding of the subject matter of a course to the extent practicable. 

3. Implement a process for pupils in grade 12 to be certified as eligible to graduate using a prior learning assessment, a portfolio, or a resume approach. 

4. Offer an interdisciplinary culminating activity that encompasses essential standards missed by pupils due to the closure of schools.

Start date: March 30th

Current status: closed until April 30th

Special Notes: List of Standards supports for distance learning: Encouraging childcare for essential workers, without cost

Start date: March 13-18; decision by district until governor’s order on March 18

Current status: Closed until April 17th

Special Notes: Current seniors who meet all district and state requirements may graduate this school year. The requirement that students take end-of-course assessments in Algebra I, English II, Biology and U.S. History has been suspended for seniors because these assessments cannot be administered in spring 2020. 

Educator preparation program entry testing criterion suspended. Licensure testing criterion suspended for all applications received before December 31, 2021 for 5 year applicants. End-of-the-year graduation tests have been suspended. 


Start Date: March 19th

Current status: closed until April 6th

Special notes: Schools have flexibility to grant credits for graduation. Flexibility in grading with suggestions: Hold Harmless: Grades from the end of the 3rd quarter could go up, but not down. New learning could be used for feedback but won't impact the grade.Hold Harmless plus competencies: Grades from the end of the 3rd quarter could go up, but not down. Minimum expectations (meeting certain competencies, power standards, etc.) would have to be met to implement hold harmless. Competency-Based or Standards-Based Approach: Implement a grade-less or modified approach for the 4th quarter. Implement a learning contract to individualize learning for students.Pass/Fail: Student work would still be accepted and graded, but 4th quarter grades or semester grades would be pass/fail. Hybrid: Students/families elect to keep the current grade and work to improve it (Hold Harmless) or receive credit/no credit (Pass/Fail).


Start date: March 15

Current Status: Closed through April 10

Special Notes: Local superintendents are authorized to work with staff in determining which students have already demonstrated proficiency.

Model MOU language released.


Start date: District by district; first districts began closing March 11. NDE issues closure of all schools recommendation on March 26

Current Status: Schools closed for the year

Special notes: The NDE advises schools to continue instruction and learning with the expectation that students will be prepared to advance at the end of the year. That expectation includes seniors preparing to graduate.

Start date: March 16

Current Status: Closed through April 30

Special Notes: Online Licensure process. 

Start Date: March 16

Current Status: Closed through May 4

Special Notes: Modifications of Data Privacy compliance


Start Date: March 18th

Current Status: Closed indefinitely

Special Notes: Candidates unable to submit EdTPA requirements can follow EdTPA Virtual Classroom requirements or educator prep programs can choose to exempt candidates from EdTPA requirements. Guidelines put out to school boards around open public meetings. Learning Guidance: Recognize the need for flexibility in terms of time schedules and technology access; Engage students in relevant and meaningful learning experiences; Connect what students have been learning thus far in the year to the new learning experiences in which they will be engaging;Allow for student choice and voice when possible/appropriate with regard to how students engage in the experience and/or how they demonstrate their learning; Remember that students learn in different ways and provide flexibility in how they engage in new learning (e.g., reading, video); and Encourage students to self-reflect upon their learning.

Executive Order 117 - removes state testing, including portfolio assessments, removes student scores for teacher evaluations, removes statutory requirement of 3 yearly observations. Also gives the Commissioner of Education “waive, suspend or modify” any portion of Title 6A of the Administrative Code


Start Date: March 13

Current Status: Closed for the year

Special Notes: State is allowing districts flexibility in how to offer continuous learning, recognizing that connectivity will be an issue for some. Encouraging development of “hands on learning kits” and other hands on learning materials to meet student/family needs. Working to provide online options for students to earn Seal of Biliteracy.


Start date: March 18

Current status: Closed until April 20. NYC may be closed for rest of year.

Special Notes: PBS TV set up for remote learning. Spring Break cancelled in NYC. Waivers for 18- day requirements.

Regents Board release regulations April 6


Start date: March 16

Current Status: Schools originally scheduled to reopen after 2 weeks. That was modified but no date for reopening has been set at this time

Special Note: NCVirtual Learning site set up. Not a lot of answers yet. 


Start date: March 16

Current Status: Closed until further notice

Special Notes: School districts may open facilities during May to provide childcare to children of teachers, health and safety workers, and “lifeline workers”. Instruction that is offered on April 1 and afterward that is offered under the guidance of an approved learning plan will count toward required instructional hours.


Start Date: March 16

Status: Closed through May 1

Special Notes: Flexibility regarding the licensure renewal deadline. Flexible pathways for students currently enrolled in educator prep programs. One-time, one-year temporary license for the 2020-2021 school year to applicants who meet all other qualifications for licensure but have been unable to complete their required initial licensure examinations.


Start Date: March 17th

Status: Closed until April 5th

Special Notes: Hourly wage earners paid through April 6th and then may be placed on leave. Through April 5, all instructional services, grading and extracurricular activities, staff development, trainings and conferences must cease


Special notes: As of March 30, Oregon Department of Education began implementing “Distance Learning for All” policy. Every student is assigned to regularly connect with a licensed or registered teacher. Teachers should provide and report on grades and/or progress marks. A variety of opportunities to earn high school credits should be offered. Federally mandated ELA/Math assessments cancelled. ELPA still scheduled if school resumes within window. “Essential Skills” high school exit exams cancelled. 

April 8th - closed for on-site learning for remainder of academic year.


Start Date: March 14th

Current Status: Closed until further notice. April 9th closed on site for remainder of year.

Special Notes: PDE will not penalize districts/schools that fail to meet the minimum 180-day requirements as a result of COVID-19 response efforts. Schools are encouraged to offer continued instruction or enrichment activities. Working with Governor to assist student teachers. 


Start Date: March 23rd

Status: Closed through May 1

Special Notes: Distance Learning Guide created


Start Date: March 16

Status: Closed through April 30

Special Notes: Emergency exemptions related to Spring 2020 clinical and field experiences. Seat time waivers available. For graduation, the period of time for course completion, demonstration of mastery, and course remediation must be finalized by May 15th.


Start Date: March 24

Status: Closed through May 1

Special Notes: Continuing to pay hourly/classified staff through school closures


Start date:March 20th

Status: No details

Special Notes: Different toolkits created for locals to use School closure: Academics and Instruction: Staffing (recommends hourly employees come in and be assigned tasks)


Start date:Local decisions. Statewide closure March 31st

Status: Closed until May 4th

Special Notes: The Department of State Health Services is the lead agency in the state’s preparedness efforts, school districts should be working closely with local health authorities to weigh operational decisions. Missed school day waivers available. Educator appraisal waivers available. 


Start date: March 16

Status: Closed through May 1

Special Notes: State Superintendent Sydnee Dickson encourages school communities to focus efforts first on the following five priorities, while also considering the health and safety of your staff and communities:

  1. Continue providing learning opportunities for all students.

  2. Provide graduating seniors the content they need to transition.

  3. Maximize opportunities for students to continue to receive meal services.

  4. Make every effort to keep staff gainfully employed.

5. Support student and staff mental health

and social emotional needs.

Waivers for instructional day and hourly requirements and teacher candidate provisions. Has a section on Reducing Fear and Anxiety and one on Remote Learning and Student Confidentiality


Start date: March 18

Status: Directed to make preparations for a transition to Continuity of Learning for the remainder of the school year

 Special Notes: Continuity of learning to start April 13th. Task force to be created to develop plans. School employees have to report to work to care for children of essential workers:


Start date: March 16

Status: Closed for remainder of school year

Special Notes: Graduation requirement flexibility. Plans to address missing content should not prevent student promotion to the next grade level or next sequential course.


Start date: March 13

Status: Closed through April 24. Update 4/6/10 Closed for remainder of year.

Special notes: Schools may choose to offer child care for health care workers and first responders, either independently or with community-based organizations. Flexibility for seniors. Revised code for teacher and administrator evaluations.  OSPI will file an emergency rule to allow the agency to waive the days and instructional hours that districts won’t be able to make up after June 19.


Start date: March 16

Status: Closed through April 24

Special Notes: Spring Break cancelled. DCPS prepared printed packets of learning materials for every grade level from Pre-K through 8th grade and each graduation requirement course for 9-12th grade

Start date: March 24

Status: Closed through April 30

Special Notes: Virtual school to continue as scheduled. Instructional materials can be provided through multiple avenues, including but not limited to, electronically, in conjunction with food distribution, or through social media


Start date: March 25

Status: Closed through April 24th

Special Notes: Local districts have decision making ability about graduation with guidance for considerations from state. Daytime educational programming on PBS. Waivers available for waivers for hours of instruction, educator effectiveness, and the civics exam


Start date: March 15

Status: Closed through April 17

Special Notes: Each school district must have Adapted Learning Plan approved and monitored to receive funding; key part of Adapted Learning Plan is tracking student attendance. Plans approved as of April 2nd. 

Melissa Tomlinson