How Did America’s Schools Cope with Spanish Flu vs. Coronavirus? by Steven Singer

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They say history repeats itself.


And if you’ve read any accounts of the bygone days of yesteryear, the current crisis certainly appears like a rerun.


Look at all the closed businesses, frightened people venturing out wearing face masks or self quarantined in their homes. It sure looks a lot like 1918.


The Spanish Flu epidemic that swept the nation a little more than a century ago bares more than a passing resemblance to COVID-19, the coronavirus. And the ways we are trying to cope with the situation are in many cases modeled on what worked a hundred years ago.


For instance, when our ancestors enacted social distancing policies to flatten the curve of infection, their infrastructures were better able to save lives. When they didn’t enact such policies, death tolls were greater.


That’s one of the major reasons many of us today are shut in our homes waiting this whole thing out. We want to give the hospitals a chance to deal with the cases that come in without people all getting sick at once and making a run on ventilators.


However, history has less to say about how we handle things like education.


After all, our forebears didn’t have as unified a response.


In general, closing schools was better to stop the spread of disease than keeping them open.


But what about actual academics? How did our progenitors make up missed work?


There-in lies a tale.


America’s school system seems to have met the crisis in three separate ways.


They either closed entirely, remained open or forced teachers to educate at a distance.


Wait. Educate at a distance? In 1918?




But I’m getting ahead of myself.



Let’s begin in my hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

City officials didn’t take the matter seriously enough and as a result, Pittsburgh ended up with the highest death rate of any major city in the country. The Spanish Flu killed at least 4,500 people – a smaller total than cities like Philadelphia, but it represented more than 1 in every 100 residents. Nearly 24,000 people sought treatment at local hospitals.


According to reports made to the city health department, things got so bad that at the epidemic’s worst, someone in Pittsburgh got the flu every 70 seconds and someone died from it every 10 minutes.


This resulted in a casket shortage across Western Pennsylvania as far away as Greensburg. Even in distant Ligonier, signs were posted along Lincoln Highway warning motorists, “You stop at your own peril.”


City officials were at least partly to blame.


Though local colleges and universities such as the University of Pittsburgh, Duquesne, and Carnegie Tech all closed their doors near the start of the outbreak, city public schools initially were kept open.


In early October, State Health Commissioner B. Franklin Royer made the decision not to close public schools, though Pittsburgh school administrators decided that anyone who was coughing or sneezing should be sent home.


However, as Kenneth White put it in his 1985 article “Pittsburgh in the Great Epidemic of 1918”:


“Enterprising students quickly discovered that a pinch of snuff or pepper, inhaled in school, provided a sure passport to freedom.”

By October 22, city council reviewed a report that 27,357 children – about one-third of the student body – were absent from school. Of this number, council knew of 6,070 students who had the flu and 53 who had died. In addition, many parents kept their children home for fear they’d get sick.


Only then were city schools closed – about three weeks after the epidemic took hold in the area.


Some surrounding districts like Ben Avon had closed schools as early as October 5. But many had followed the city’s example and suffered similar consequences.


Pittsburgh schools reopened on November 18. Though the Spanish Flu was not completely gone, it came back in two more waves through the area – however, neither was as devastating as the first crash.


I can find nothing specific about how surviving students made up missed academic work. Only that they missed 19 school days of class during the closure.




New York City reacted in a similar fashion as Pittsburgh but with different results.


While Pittsburgh’s mortality rate was nearly 1 in 100, New York’s was 4.7 per 1,000. City officials recorded approximately 30,000 deaths out of a population of roughly 5.6 million resulting from influenza or pneumonia.


However, just like Pittsburgh, New York kept its schools open.


In an October 5th New York Times article, Health Commissioner Royal S. Copeland explained his logic behind the controversial decision to keep students in class:


“New York is a great cosmopolitan city and in some homes there is careless disregard for modern sanitation… In schools the children are under the constant guardianship of the medical inspectors. This work is part of our system of disease control. If the schools were closed at least 1,000,000 would be sent to their homes and become 1,000,000 possibilities for the disease. Furthermore, there would be nobody to take special notice of their condition.”


In short, Copeland figured the schools could do a better job of ensuring children’s safety than their parents.


In class, teachers were expected to give each student a daily medical inspection and report the results to the school nurse and/or medical professionals.


According to Francesco Aimone in “The 1918 Influenza Epidemic in New York City: A Review of the Public Health Response”:


“School nurses and medical inspectors were instructed to follow up on teacher inspections and conduct home visits on absentee students to determine whether “… they or members of their family are sick, that physical examinations be carefully made, and that dry sweeping [in their home] be discontinued and ventilation sufficient.”

Many disagreed with Copeland’s decision including the Red Cross of Long Island.


Former Health Commissioner Dr. S.S. Goldwater put the blame squarely on the teachers who inspected students with “almost criminal laxity” and found the follow-up inspections “lamentably weak.”




However, a similar strategy in Chicago didn’t repeat New York’s success.


Keeping schools open in the Windy City more closely emulated the situation in Pittsburgh.


According to a timeline of preventive measures published in the American Journal of Public Health by Chicago’s Health Commissioner Dr. John Dill Robertson, city schools weren’t closed because officials didn’t think children were getting sick more than adults. They thought it would be better to keep students indoors where they could be watched for symptoms.


However, children ended up dying from the flu in Chicago at a higher rate than their parents.


Like in Pittsburgh, any student who coughed or sneezed was immediately sent home – though eventually this also came with a mandatory home quarantine.



Officials were more sensible in smaller towns like Adrian and Tecumseh, Michigan.


In both municipalities all schools were closed by the end of October when the epidemic began there.


By Dec. 12 there was a plan to reopen, however that was revised as the death toll continued to rise. Schools ultimately remained closed until January 1919.


Schools made up the missing days of class by extending the remaining year.
They stayed open for 30 minutes beyond their usual dismissal time and held half-day sessions on Saturdays.


Another small town that wasn’t taking chances was Pontiac, Illinois.


Not only did officials close the schools, they ended up using them as field hospitals for the sick.


Moreover, when classes were cancelled, school age children were forbidden from leaving their homes unless they had to run an errand. Anyone with the flu was immediately quarantined in his or her home.


Schools were closed on October 15 for what was originally supposed to be just five weeks. However, when the second wave of the flu hit, the closure was extended.


Things got so bad that from December 3rd through January 1st, school buildings were used as a hospital to treat those with the flu.


By early January, the worst had passed and schools were reopened. Beginning on January 10, 1919, the high school held an extra session on Saturday to help make up some of the missed class work.


This seems to be the general pattern. Larger cities tried to push on and keep things as normal as possible – with usually disastrous results. Smaller towns took more serious precautions and limited the death toll.




And then there’s Lakeland, Florida.

Leave it to this district in Polk County to be the oddball.


On Oct. 10, the schools were officially closed. But not really.


Superintendent of Lakeland Schools Charles Jones and Polk County Board of Public Instruction Superintendent John Moore ordered teachers to continue to report to work so they could help any students who needed remediation.
Jones wrote in the local Ledger newspaper:


“While the teachers will meet at the school building each day for the purpose of assisting any child who is deficient in certain subjects or all subjects, yet I want it understood that the pupils may see the teachers at their homes any time for instruction.”


Such instruction could be given over the telephone, if necessary, he added.


Moore took the matter a step further saying in a resolution published in the paper that teachers who failed to report to school or help students could have their pay docked.


Much of this proto-distance learning involved communication in the local paper.


Its pages included assignments from teachers to students and even teachers home phone numbers if students needed help.
 Examples of these assignments included reading passages from Shakespeare to drawing a map of North America.




The strangest thing about this incomplete survey of school responses is how much our current system is acting like Lakeland, Florida.


Almost all present day schools are closed with students supposedly self quarantined at home. This helps flatten the curve and minimize the chances of infection.


However, instead of waiting for the crisis to pass before addressing any academic deficiencies, many districts are requiring distance learning.


Teachers are being made to go in to school buildings or work from home creating online courses from scratch with little to no training.


True, this doesn’t expose educators to an added risk of catching the virus, themselves, but it does seem a bit mercenary.


We’re in a public health crisis where thousands of people are getting sick and dying. And the thing ourschool administrators are most concerned about is continued academic performance. They’d rather keep going with whatever quality of instruction can be provided in slapdash fashion than wait until it can be provided in the best possible circumstances.


They’d rather risk leaving behind those students without Internet access or whose special needs can’t be met online. Anything rather than extending the school year?


It’s interesting to compare today’s solutions to those of yesteryear.


Why didn’t more districts in 1918 try to make teachers instruct students through the newspaper and over the phone? Why didn’t more districts make teachers go to school buildings and even students homes during an epidemic?


Are we really doing the right thing by emulating those solutions?


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I’ve also written a book, “Gadfly on the Wall: A Public School Teacher Speaks Out on Racism and Reform,” now available from Garn Press. Ten percent of the proceeds go to the Badass Teachers Association. Check it out!

Michael Flanagan