UFT Members: Say NO to "Instructional Lunches" by Dr. Michael Flanagan


Dear Fellow UFT members,


For those of you not in NYC, the Chancellor of NY public schools, in agreement with the UFT president, has mandated that students will have “instructional lunches” during a class period, while the teacher is continuing to give instruction. Besides being a safe working conditions violation, this will be unfair to children who are entitled to eat their lunch, and who will need a break.

Every time I hear ANYONE (principal, mayor, chancellor, UFT President) say that, that will be my response. We have to RESIST these actions from day 1. We cannot take an unacceptable situation and try to make it work. I know many of you will not follow that action, for fear of retribution.

I will not ask you to do as I do, that will have to be your decision. I am a union representative for my school (chapter leader). I was elected to protect the rights of my colleagues and to represent them when their rights are being violated. 

So, that is my first job action, starting today. EVERY TIME I hear we are supposed to teach while students will have their masks off and be eating their lunch, that will be MY response.

Once we establish that we will not infringe on a student’s lunch period, and we will not put ourselves at risk because of some half thought out backroom deal made without the voices of union members being heard, then we can move on to other job actions.

But we need to generate a consensus NOW. We need to learn how to resist, in order to protect ourselves, our students, and all of our families.

It is time to ask yourself; what will be your response to these violations of contract and common sense?



Michael Flanagan, Ed.D.

Chapter Leader, District 10, the Bronx


Michael Flanagan