*Highly Effective! But in a Pandemic? Hmm...by Dr. Michael Flanagan

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This school year, for the first time in my career I was rated Highly Effective on my Measure Of Teacher Practice (MOTP) on the Danielson Rubric. The only problem with that is: how am I going to maintain that level of educational efficacy? I can’t count on a pandemic every year. 


Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate being recognized for highly effective teaching during this crisis. But I suppose it must be taken with a grain of salt considering all the “learning loss” our students have allegedly experienced. 


It is just a bit confusing to realize that I’m a Highly Effective teacher when “no one is learning”, but I’m only an “Effective” teacher when kids are learning. Quite the conundrum.


This data would seem to indicate that I am very good at doing a bad job, in terrible times. Kind of like winning a gold medal the year the Soviet Union boycotted the Olympics. Or winning the Super Bowl during the NFL strike season. 


Like, my rating on my Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) for the 2020-2021 season needs an asterisk. *Highly Effective. 


I guess the worst brings out the best in me. Now I am walking around with this false sense that I am finally—once in my career—an excellent educator. If I want to maintain that or even increase my ratings—from my 3.77 to say a perfect 4.00—I might have to explore teaching under even worse circumstances. Like in a war zone or during a natural disaster. Or for Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. 


And let’s be honest, even under these conditions, it is still only a 3.77. Despite teaching during a worldwide pandemic, I still can’t pull off a 4.00?


I am thinking they may be watering down the grading system as sort of a consolation prize. Everybody gets a trophy, just for participating! And not dying. 


It’s sort of like getting bumped up to first class because the rest of the plane was overbooked, but being given the side-eye from the people who actually paid to be there. Yes, I am on the other side of the curtain, close to the pilots, with the comfy seats, but I am only being served the stale peanuts. And my seat is right next to the bathroom. 


But whatever, I am finally in the front row! After decades of teaching in coach I am flying first class this year. The year everyone had to wear masks on the flight, and no one wanted to fly anyway. 


But still.  


However, my celebration of being the best of the worst may be premature. Reveling in the rarefied air of highly effectiveness could become a moot point, since the remaining 40% of my teacher rating known as Measure Of Student Learning (MOSL) will be based on some form of standardized test. Standardized tests that will be given differently to all students. And not count. Except to rate teachers. Sounds about right. I can’t win for losing. 

All jokes aside, this has been an incredibly hard year. Personally, I’ve been a hybrid teacher, a remote teacher and have taught livestream. All teachers have had to completely revise our entire professional practice. On the fly. Liberal grading policies, understanding of the difficulties for students living and working from home, learning new technologies, compensating for economic inequities and navigating repeated school closures because of COVID infections on a daily basis. 

Worst of all was seeing the effects these upheavals had on our students. The loss of attending school, seeing friends, socializing and not learning in person have been unfathomable. Not to mention those who have been sick themselves , or lost family members and loved ones. 


So, even though my celebration of being the best of the worst may be short-lived, I will enjoy it while I can. Because after a year of tragedy you have to look for any silver lining you can. 


3.77 is the new 4.00! *Highly Effective, COVID style. 

Michael Flanagan