Why DMV Educators Must Say NO! to Trumps' Demand to Re-Open Schools by Cheryl Gibbs Binkley

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In an article titled "Trump Urged governors to get going on school re-openings," the Hill reported: On Monday April 27, the President had a conference call with Governors.  Afterward, Monday at a press conference detailing his administration's ongoing efforts against coronavirus, The President, told reporters, "Not a long way to go in the school system right now… for this year. But I think you’ll see a lot of schools open up, even if it’s for a very short period of time." (The Hill)

Reports had already been circulating stories of him pressuring Gov. Hogan of Maryland, Mayor Bowser of DC, and Gov. Northam of Virginia to open schools.

Though I’ve been a union member for 22 years, and an organizer for Educators United grassroots actions, I am not a big advocate for strikes.  I’ve always seen them as a last resort when other options have been exhausted, and when the problem was so extreme compromise could not be the answer. However right now, the Educators of the Mid-Atlantic and the nation have to become the voice of reason.

In the last 3 days there have been 1,941 new COVID cases in Virginia, 2,865 in Maryland, and 193 in DC. (in DC, figures are for 2 day only, no figures for 4/27); making the total DMV new cases 4,999 for just the last 3 days. (Wikipedia)

But the administration and the financial sector is antsy, and wants baby-sitting so it can call back its workers. Returning students to school in these high-risk circumstances cannot be rationalized as for any other reason.  It is too late to do serious recovery work, and little would be academically accomplished with this short burst of days.  

Now is the time the Educators of the DMV must band together and refuse to allow schools to open. 

The Maryland Education Association, the Virginia Education Association, the Washington Teachers Union, and American Federation of Teachers units in Maryland and Virginia must all call on their teachers to stay out should the state and District governments cave to Trump’s demands.

Non-unionized educators and the Educators United movements of the area must likewise refuse to return to work in buildings should the call come to do so before it is fully safe for students to attend.

Parent Groups from the PTA to local PTOs, and grassroots groups like Parents Across America, and the Opt-Out Movement must stand with their Educators and local schools to refuse to send their children as sacrificial lambs to the craven call of politicians and the financial sector. 

Economic and Social Justice groups must likewise refuse to allow our children to be sacrificed for the continued profit of the elites.

Our state, local, and district school boards must refuse to ‘follow orders’ and say no to sending our students into harms way for the sake of oil and stock prices.

When we are at school Educators are charged with protecting and defending our students from harm, and Educators have done so in numerous dangerous circumstances. That is no less necessary or true now.  I recognize it is illegal in all three regions the DMV to strike. However, it is also illegal to kill children, and when it comes to the choice, Educators must participate in the first, not the second. There are some things which should remain non-negotiable.

Should the order come down to resume in-building classes, Educators must refuse and not allow schools to reopen until it is safe for our students to return to their classrooms: Regardless of what the President, the Administration, the States, or any other authority says.

Michael Flanagan